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April 29, 2019

Positive developments for South Africa winter crops

By the end of yesterday, we already had some good developments on the South African winter crops front as farmers’ intentions to plant data showed a 2% year-on-year increase to 711 950 hectares. This includes wheat, […]
April 26, 2019

Summer crop estimate revised upwards

The revised area estimate, and second production forecast of summer crops, was recently released by the Crop Estimates Committee (CEC). Commercial maize The size of the expected commercial maize crop has been set at 10 655 […]
April 23, 2019
pakhouse-earthworms improve soil quality

Keep earthworms to improve soil quality

Earthworms play a crucial role in improving soil quality, and every farmer should try to maintain a healthy population of these remarkable creatures. How earthworms help the farmer Earthworms tunnel through the upper layers of soil […]
April 23, 2019

Financial planning is crucial to sustainable production

To weather the impact of market fluctuations and extreme climatic conditions, producers have to think strategically about farming. Pieter de Jager spoke to Glenneis Kriel about his strategy. In the absence of subsidies and government protection, […]