
September 7, 2018
Pakhouse petrol price agriculture

Petrol price is still a problem for the agricultural industry

A further strain on the consumer has almost been averted following the announcement of the intervention by the Department of Energy to limit the petrol price by only five cents per litre to cover the costs […]
September 4, 2018

RSA table grapes to bounce back

SATI says the drought in the Western Cape has largely been broken, giving rise to expectations of record export shipments. There are hopes that South Africa will resume its era of table grape growth during the […]
September 4, 2018

Women at the forefront of sugarcane production in rural communities

South Africa’s R12bn sugar industry ranks in the top 15 out of approximately 120 sugar producing countries worldwide; making it an industry which is making a positive difference in the lives of many by employing 85,000 […]
August 31, 2018

Winter Crop Harvest Forecast

The Crop Estimate’s Committee (CEC) has left its forecast for maize unchanged but expects South Africa’s wheat production to increase by nearly 18% from last season’s harvest. The CEC released its first official production estimate for […]