
September 1, 2016

Reën nou broodnodig vir sitrus

Daar is mooi beloftes in die bloeisels van Limpopo en Mpumalanga se sitrusbome, maar boere is bekommerd oor hul krimpende waterreserwes. “As ons nie teen November reën kry nie het ons moeilikheid,” sê mnr. Piet Smit […]
August 31, 2016

South Africa: Citrus exports to EU get extended zero tariff period

At the moment South Africa has a tariff free period for exports to the European Union countries which ends on 16th October every year, when tariffs then increase to 16%. But this is about to change […]
August 29, 2016

High prices for Valencias in Middle East

South African Valencias will finish earlier this season as volumes are lower than normal. The crop suffered damage in the northern production areas of the country due the hail and drought conditions. Late rains in the […]
August 26, 2016

Higher wheat import duties mean bread will cost R1 more a loaf

A loaf of bread will cost South African consumers nearly R1 more to buy at the till following the approval of an increase in the import duty on wheat, according to the National Chamber of Milling. […]