The Crop Estimates Liaison Committee (CELC) oversaw the process for the finalisation of the crop production figures of commercial wheat, malting barley and canola for 2018, at a meeting held on 9 May 2019.
Published figures of the South African Grain Information Services (SAGIS) of actual deliveries of production for the basis of calculation, as well as figures from the wheat utilisation survey, conducted by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF), were added to calculate the final crop production figures.
Comparing the final calculated crop figures with the numbers set by the CEC during February 2019, the size of the commercial wheat crop is now 1 868 000 tons, which is 26 950 tons or 1,46% more than the final crop estimate figure of 1 841 050 tons. For malting barley, the recalculated crop size is 421 500 tons, which is 290 tons or 0,07% less than the final crop estimate figure of 421 790 tons. The final recalculated canola crop estimate figure is 104 500 tons, which is higher (550 tons or 0,53%) than the final crop estimate figure of 103 950 tons.
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