
May 18, 2018

Insights into the global grains market

The global cereal grains market showed an upward trend from 2007 to 2016, expanding by 4% to 2,676 million tonnes in 2016. The cereal grains market grew with a CAGR of +2.6% over the last nine years, according to IndexBox estimates. In value terms, the market kept at the same level of 2015 and stood at $632bn in 2016. From 2007 to 2016, the market value was subject to significant fluctuations against changes in prices, crop yield and global cereal grains reserves.
May 9, 2018

Challenges and opportunities as the fourth industrial revolution bring change to agriculture

The fourth industrial revolution will bring significant change to South African agriculture and agro-processing. According to Nico Groenewald, Head of Agriculture at Standard Bank Group, it will introduce new challenges and opportunities
May 7, 2018

Free State soil acidity levels worryingly high

Speaking to Farmer’s Weekly, Dr Pieter Haumann, CEO of FERTASA, said that all soils were prone to acidification if cultivated and fertilised. Deep water table soils and relatively sandy soils in the central to western region of the Free […]
April 24, 2018

When to plant sunflower for optimal yield

Sunflower’s consistent yield and drought-tolerance make it an attractive crop for SA’s dryland regions. It also has a relatively long planting window. Nonetheless, care should be taken to plant at the optimal time, cautions Dr Safiah Ma’Ali, senior researcher at ARC-Grain Crops Institute.