
July 23, 2018

Recent rain will have ‘minimal effect’ on maize harvest

Farmers do not appear to be overly concerned about the impact of recent winter rain where the maize harvest is still underway in the summer cropping area. Anton Botha, a member of the rain SA executive […]
July 16, 2018

Who will take responsibility for South Africa’s sugar tariff crisis?

The FairPlay movement has called for a public enquiry into the fiasco that saw a zero tariff for sugar being set and gazetted in South Africa last year, which allowed importers to bring in and stockpile […]
July 16, 2018

Let’s get tech savvy with our security!

The smartphone has not only revolutionised communication; it is rewriting the rules on safety and security. Today, at the push of a button, a user can transmit a distress signal to a group of pre-identified individuals […]
July 16, 2018

Sorghum making headway in South Africa

Grain sorghum is not just for making soft porridge; it has many other uses. Climate change has sparked renewed interest in the crop in South Africa – Prof John Taylor Sorghum is the fifth-most important grain crop […]