
March 26, 2018

The digital sharing economy: A cheaper way to mechanise

The cost of farm machinery is a major challenge for small-scale and commercial farmers. Nick Hoffman, general manager at Linebooker, and Jehiel Oliver, creator of Hello Tractor, explain how new digital platforms are being used to […]
March 22, 2018

Health and wellness should become part of agricultural employers’ long-term strategy

While the implications of land expropriation without compensation have generated much debate, an equally pressing issue is facing the future of agriculture in South Africa. According to agricultural economist Dr Kobus Laubscher, the discourse around land […]
March 12, 2018

The benefits of producing pulses outweigh the costs

Many SA farmers are unaware of the profitability and other benefits of pulses such as cowpea, groundnut and soya bean. As a result, these plants are neglected as crop alternatives, says Phonnie du Toit, chief research […]
March 9, 2018

South Africa reveals some comfort for grains outlook as rain hits

In general, rainfall conditions improved over large parts of the country since the end of January, while ongoing rain across some regions has “allowed grains to recover,” according to the report.